A woman holding a Filtrete Air Filter.

MPR vs MERV: Which is better?

Both MPR and MERV measure how well an air filter captures particles. MPR was created to exceed industry standards to capture more of the smallest microparticles.

  • MPR (Microparticle Performance Rating):

    Designed to measure the capture of more microscopic particles.

  • MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value):

    An industry standard for particle capture measurement.



    MPR Means More



    Filtrete™ Brand technology captures more of the small, microscopic particles than the industry standard requires – which aren't even measured by the MERV scale until it reaches MERV 11.

    Filters rated with MERV alone may filter out large, common particles - like dust lint or pollen – for MERV 10 and lower. They are not required to trap small particles. Every level of MPR-rated filters requires the capture of microscopic particles, from MPR 300 - 2800.

    MPR Means More

    Filtrete™ Brand technology captures more of the small, microscopic particles than the industry standard requires – which aren't even measured by the MERV scale until it reaches MERV 11.

    Filters rated with MERV alone may filter out large, common particles - like dust lint or pollen – for MERV 10 and lower. They are not required to trap small particles. Every level of MPR-rated filters requires the capture of microscopic particles, from MPR 300 - 2800.

  • Filtrete MPR means: Captures up to 2x more Microparticles vs MERV alone*
  • *Filtrete MPR 1000 - 1200 capture 2x more small particles than MERV 11 requirement. Microscopic particles are 0.3-1.0 in size.

The MPR standard demands better filter performance than MERV alone.

  • MERV: Rated for Minimum Efficiency  MERV + MPR: Rated for Microparticle Capture
  • The Minimum Wasn’t Good Enough

    The MERV scale was developed in 1987 to serve as a minimum baseline for air filter performance. Filtrete™ Brand’s filtration capacity quickly outpaced the metrics established by that scale. MERV wasn’t telling the whole story.

    Scientists at 3M developed the MPR rating to raise the standards of the industry and to demand a higher level of performance from our own air filters. If we’ve learned anything from the last few years, it’s that keeping your home safer from harmful microscopic particles is a responsibility that can’t be taken lightly.

Microparticles: 0.3-1 micron. A Human Hair: 60 microns

The smallest microparticles matter most.

Particles smaller than 1 micron, like bacteria, viruses and exhaust, are much smaller than the eye can see—small enough to be inhaled and then absorbed into the bloodstream.

MPR-rated Filtrete™ Air Filters capture more microscopic particles at every level, keeping more of these out of the air in your home.

MPR Means More

Filtrete™ Filters capture more microscopic particles than required by the MERV Standard.

Check out how MPR-rated Filtrete™ Filters outperform MERV standards. For details, download our product comparison guide (PDF, 5 MB).


Filtrete™ air filter, replacement filter and room air purifier side by side on a blue gradient background.

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